Vicki Bosak, Administrative Assistant
Vicki joined our staff in 2023. Her smiling face and eager personality are a welcome addition to our staff. She is always ready to assist you and looks forward to being part of our church.
Mason Strouse, Director of Music
Mason has been with the church since October 2017. He is a first grade teacher at the Clearfield Elementary School. He also serves as Mayor of Clearfield and is actively involved in CAST. Mason lives in Clearfield with his wife, Kellie, and amazing sons Jake and Wyatt Green. He enjoys working at the Presbyterian Church of Clearfield and working together with the amazing staff to create meaningful and powerful worship through music.
Kellie Strouse, Family Ministries Director
Kellie joined the church staff in 2023. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan. She has a heart for service and for those in need in our area. She currently serves as President-Elect with Clearfield Kiwanis and also serves on the Clearfield County Tax Appeals Board. She leads our Youth Group, Mothers of Preschoolers support group, VBS, Junior Church, and has many plans for community outreach through our church.
Kathy Miller, Accountant
Kathy grew up in our church and joined our staff in 2018 as the church accountant. She is the daugther of Bill and Charlene McCartney. Kathy graduated from Grove City College with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. She has two grown boys away at college, Adam at Texas A&M and Seth at Bucknell. Kathy currently works full time at Johnston, Nelson, Shimmel, and Thomas all while keeping the church’s finances in tip-top shape.
Cindy Luzier, Housekeeper
Cindy joined our staff in August of 2008. She spends the first half of her days making sure our local teens get a belly of warm food for lunch at the Clearfield Junior/Senior High School, and spends her afternoons taking care of our church building.